GRE Dictionary & Vocabulary Builder

For some days I was busy to develop a personal educational facebook application. Today I finally released that. This is currently in beta version. This application serves as a GRE dictionary and vocabulary builder tools. I’m inviting you to add this application and give me feedback whatever you think about this app.

Here is the link

The technology I used to develop this app.

  1. Zend Framework 1.6
  2. Blueprint CSS Framework
  3. PHP 5.0
  4. Action Script 3.0
  5. FBJS
  6. FBML
  7. Facebook Library
  8. Photoshop + Illustrator using Zend Framework

When I was a university student, I developed and sell my mobile applications (java application developed by me). That time the site was too amateur. However 2 years passed and I decided to re-design the site. Finally I redesigned and implemented the site using Zend Framework.